Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ

Our FAQ answers provide you with all the information about our company, jurisdictions, and services we provide to our clients.

Setting Up a Company in Malta

Налогообложение физических лиц

Working in Malta

Residence in Malta

Налогообложение компаний

Налогообложение компаний на Мальте

Мальтийские компании облагаются налогом по ставке 35% на их доходы и прирост капитала по всему миру. Мальта предоставляет различные финансовые стимулы как компаниям, так и их акционерам при распределении дивидендов.

Учреждение компании на Мальте

Создание компании на Мальте является относительно простой процедурой, и может занять всего 2 рабочих дня, при условии, что нам предоставлена вся необходимая информация, финансовые средства, обязательная и полная документация.

Проживание на Мальте

Теплый климат, дружелюбные люди, развитая инфраструктура коммуникаций, низкая преступность и многие другие особенности мальтийских островов сделали Мальту прекрасным местом для переезда на постоянное проживание.

Remote Gaming in Malta

Malta was the first EU Member State to specifically regulate the remote gaming industry in 2004 and has ever since established itself as one of the prime jurisdictions for remote gaming operators. The Malta Gaming Authority (“MGA”) is the regulatory of gaming in Malta.

Payment Institutions in Malta

Malta has become a destination of choice for the setting up of Payment Institutions (also referred to as Payment Services Providers or PSPs). A number of advantages have contributed to this success, e.g. fiscal incentives granted.

Electronic Money Institutions in Malta

Malta has recently seen an increase in the number of Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) looking to set up their operations in Malta. This has been largely due to the growth in the e-commerce and the i-gaming industries.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Services in Malta

Malta has always been on the forefront of technology and innovation. A number of initiatives have been launched, aimed at establishing an innovative and attractive regulatory framework for entities operating in the blockchain industry.

Assistance to Family Businesses in Malta

Malta has recently introduced legislation to encourage good governance in the management of family businesses, to assist family businesses to operate in an efficient way and to assist in the transfer of business from one generation to the other.